phone number masking

Number Masking

Phone number masking is the latest technique call centers use these days to protect customer identity without the fear of data theft or personal information.

number masking

What is Number Masking?

Using phone number masking solution businesses can connect with their customers, while safeguarding their private information & ensuring privacy of both parties by masking the calling number. Also referred to as proxy phone numbers it is an advanced data protection measure that facilitates two-way communication between buyers and sellers, customers and delivery staff without exposing their personal phone numbers. It is the best way to safeguard customers’ identity, and prevent misuse of sensitive data.

Key Features of Phone Number Masking

Incoming call masking to protect calling customer identity

Option for instant customer query resolution through multi-level / self-service IVR

Enable click to call button in the CRM with privacy number

3rd party application integration without displaying the business phone number

Make automatic calls from dialer database with phone number masking enabled

Can handle large scale deployments

Key Benefits of Call Masking

Superior Customer Experience

Increased customer privacy empowers customers to do their business without the fear of identity theft

Prevent Leakage of Leads & Business Data

Boosts seamless interaction, customers trust & long term loyalty

Frequently Asked Questions

Phone number masking, also known as call masking, is a cloud telephony technology used to camouflage the calling number during an outgoing or incoming call.

A virtual number is a proxy privacy number that replaces your phone number and enables you to communicate anonymously without your calling number & identity being revealed.

The number masking service has a variety of applications.

  • Healthcare
    Post Covid19 doctors prefer attending to patients on on-call / video consultations to render medical services due to safety concerns. They are unwilling to share their personal numbers for the fear of unwanted calls barrage. Number masking allows doctors to safely interact without such worries. The patient gets the crucial medical assistance and the doctor can do their duty in peace.
  • Transport
    Taxi Service aggregators are biggest users of number masking. Both the driver & passenger connect safely with each other without sharing their personal numbers. Number masking safeguards both the passengers and drivers.
  • Ecommerce
    Number masking facilitates safe and comfortable vendor-buyer interactions for e-commerce businesses. These interactions are the lifelines of delivery services and online shopping portals to track leads and ensure consistent customer service.
  • Any other B2B or B2C process
    Number masking aids safe and secure interactions for businesses of all types whether it’s a B2C or a B2B process without divulging the credentials of the caller or receiver.
  • Communicate anonymously without divulging personal information or calling number
  • Helps build customer confidence and trust
  • Boosts brand loyalty
  • Augmented returns with recurring business