contact center software for enterprises

Cloud Solutions for Enterprise Business

IVREdge cloud telephony solutions for enterprises offer a flexibility of deployment, be it public cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud or in premise based contact center solution options to suit the requirements of enterprise businesses. With no on-premises equipment required & powered with state of the art technologies like AI, Natural Language Processing (NLP) Bots etc., our omni-channel contact center solutions provide a unified communication platform to meet their business communication needs. Our cloud solutions for enterprises enable them to add capabilities like Missed Call Services, Virtual Call Patching, Number Masking, Text to Speech, Speech Analytics & more on the fly giving them an edge to gain market traction.

cloud telephony solutions for enterprises

Boost your Competitive Edge – Deploy IVREdge Cloud Contact Center Software

Our contact center software for enterprises has readymade connectors for leading CRM applications. Our ability to quickly deliver customized API’s for integrations with 3rd party applications unlock higher levels of agility, flexibility, resilience & scalability required for digital transformation by enterprise businesses. Businesses get access to enterprise grade architected cloud contact center solutions hosted in data centers with strong physical & network security that are managed by professionally skilled & trained engineering teams. Our offerings facilitate enterprise businesses to engage with their customers on their preferred channel(s) to deliver a consistent & delightful customer experience for sustained brand loyalty.

Key Offerings of Cloud Telephony Solutions for Enterprises

Intelligent & Smart Routing

Multi-level IVR with multi language support


Web Chat / WhatsApp Chat

SMS / WhatsApp Media Messaging

Social Media Integration

Google Verified Calls

Prebuilt Connector’s / Customizable API’s

Remote / Mobile Agents



Key Benefits of Call Center Solutions for Enterprises

No infrastructure investments

Easy to install & activate

Smart Plug-N-play option for Quick Setup

Enriched customer interactions across all channels

Work from anywhere / anytime

Easy to integrate with all popular CRMs and 3rd party applications

High availability options for business continuity

Robust, Reliable, Secure & Scalable with near-zero downtime

Available 24 x 7 for customers

Low cost of ownership and High return on investments